Lancashire Web Services

Search Engine Optimisation…

From A Multi-Award Winning Digital Marketing Agency

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As an SEO agency the UK is our home, but we have happy clients across the globe!

How Does Your Current SEO Measure Up?

If you are unsure of your online strategy, and would like some very specific recommendations to upgrade your SEO results, then take advantage of our 8-Point ‘For Humans, By Humans’ SEO Appraisal. Here’s how it works…
We take time and ask a range of questions to fully understand your business goals, target market, online and offline competitors and the marketing and competitive challenges you are facing.
We’ll analyse your keyword selection (short, long-tail, buyer intent etc.) and check where you and your key competitors are ranked for these keywords.
We’ll review the Google Analytics to get a better understanding of your current traffic generating channels, conversion rates and user behaviour.
Technically is your website search engine friendly and again, how do you compare with online competitors, and industry best standards?
Are your links helping you or hurting you? Do you need more quality or quantity?
How does your content stack-up? We’ll look closely at whether your social and digital footprint matches your desired outcomes.
We will audit other SEO factors such as website security, page speed, mobile friendliness, domain age and authority, and assess opportunities to maximise your online exposure.
Step 8 – Report We will then present you with a detailed written analysis of your strengths and weaknesses, and what opportunities are available for quick-wins and any urgent fixes.

This is a must have report for your business if you are unsure of your online strategy, and need specific recommendations to upgrade your website results.

Our 21-Step SEO Success Roadmap eliminates guesswork and guarantees improved rankings, higher traffic, and more sales

Advice to those who want consistent, high-quality results from SEO experts

How can you Judge One SEO agency against another?

Well, here’s a couple of points to consider…

As you probably realise, SEO isn’t a ‘low maintenance’ strategy. To be worthwhile (profitable) it requires ongoing attention from an SEO consultant that understands your business. And that’s because SEO doesn’t exist in a vacuum…

Because your main competition is almost certainly using professional SEO services, this means that if you stop doing so, you’ll quickly fall behind.

When it comes to SEO experts the UK offers a rich selection. We believe our two decades in the digital world gives us the experience that you won’t find in most other SEO companies in the UK. But if you have any doubts, just look at the feedback we’ve received as an SEO specialist.

Some activities within search engine optimisation can be very beneficial, such as an initial SEO audit, link profile reviews, and detailed keyword research. But these are really only the foundations, and for effective SEO firm action needs to be taken on an ongoing basis. All of our white hat SEO activities play by the rules, always taking into account best practices.

Successful SEO experts know what it takes to create a strategy that out-thinks, and out-flanks, the competition.

Ultimately, you need an SEO partner who can consistently deliver value and results, long after any initial boost has been achieved. So, regardless of whether you need SEO in Blackburn or Birmingham, or SEO in Lancashire or London, we have Clients across the country, so you’ll be in good hands with our SEO company in the UK.

Transparency and

As a professional SEO consultant Lancashire Web ServicesUK will implement systematic SEO management based on agreed KPIs, together with daily and weekly updates. This makes our performance transparent and accountable, and guarantees highly profitable campaigns.
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SEO UK is a very competitive environment and as a professional SEO specialist we’ve constantly adapted and improved our tactics to ensure we remain the go to SEO consultant in the UK for many businesses. Our customers appreciate our no-nonsense results-driven approach and obsession with great service.

Some people might think that an SEO specialist in the UK will be London-based. We’re from the North West and with this comes lower overheads and therefore provides un-beatable value for money.

The Pros and Cons of being a UK SEO company

The UK is home to many SEO companies from North to South. As an SEO company in the UK, we know what it takes to build a successful business in an extremely competitive atmosphere. We’re based in the North West but we serve companies up and down the country and beyond. Some may consider our location a disadvantage, but we see it as the opposite, it presents us with opportunities other UK SEO companies don’t have:

  • Firstly, whilst we operate from modern offices with a great network infrastructure, we have significantly lower overheads than London.
  • And with excellent motorway links, our UK SEO company is a short drive to our clients across the nation if you wanted to pop in and meet us in person.
  • Uniquely, for a company that specialises in SEO, the UK is also the home of our own multi-million-pound e-commerce business, and this gives us a unique insight and opportunity to constantly be testing new approaches to SEO, firm in the knowledge that new SEO services, techniques and strategies are market-proven before we introduce them to our clients.
  • And finally, as an SEO services UK based company that delivers consistent, highly profitable results, we will never lose our focus on providing personal, one-to-one service and problem-solving, regardless of your location.

    Trust us to deliver results and remove the hassle…

    With experienced SEO managers, proven systems and direct communication, we’ll quickly implement best-practice SEO and monitor results from our SEO UK base. And with over 50 five-star Google reviews and numerous Client success stories, you can trust us to take care of everything SEO, whilst you focus on other areas of digital marketing.

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    How we deliver results…

    As experts in search engine optimisation, we will work with you to implement the industry’s most comprehensive and revenue-proven SEO services. By applying our 21-Step SEO Success Roadmap, which encompasses best practice guidelines, algorithm updates, and constantly refining various proprietary tools and methods, we consistently deliver improved rankings, targeted traffic and incremental sales.

    Our 21-Step SEO Success Roadmap eliminates guesswork and guarantees improved rankings, higher traffic, and more sales. Take the first step to level your digital marketing strategy – Request your SEO Appraisal ›

    Results To Inspire You…

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    Firstly, make sure you are dealing with a with a reputable company with a good track record. Additionally, check to see if the company provides other services that may help your business such as PPC, web design and online reputation management. Make sure they only use white hat SEO tactics and that they won’t do more harm than good to your SEO strategy.
    How much will SEO cost my business? Some SEO companies will set strict prices for their SEO packages for UK businesses. We take the view that no one business is the same. Our expert team will assess exactly what your business does and doesn’t need and set a price accordingly, your SEO strategy will be tailored to you so they’ll be no one-size-fits-all SEO packages for your UK business. We’ll always ensure that our services remain a justified expenditure for your business by continually being transparent with the results we’re delivering.
    It’s our job to ensure it does. If you’re looking to grow your business digitally then search engine optimisation can generate quality traffic that are actively searching for the services or products your business provides. This can lead to increased conversions and ultimately the growth of your business.
    Absolutely not. Just because we’re an SEO agency in the UK doesn’t mean we can’t provide our services to businesses all around the world. Search engine optimisation is a great digital growth strategy wherever your company is based and whatever industry you operate in.

    Take the first steps into digital growth. SEO can help your business to reach it’s potential.

    We want to hear from you!

    Get in touch with us for a free 30-minute strategy in which we’ll get to know each other and what your businesses strengths, weaknesses and opportunities are.

    Or call us on 01254 279998

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